Thursday, October 3, 2013

The Sleeping Christian

Today, I have been deeply impacted about a thought I read from a sermon by Asahel Nettelton on the importance of being awake. Think of a sleeping person. Are they aware of what is going on around them? If one of the objects around them moved or disappeared would they know it? People are doing things all around them and yet they can stay asleep.

The inactive, or backsliden Christian is the same way. God may be working all around them, in the lives of family members or in their church, but they are not paying any attention. They are essentially asleep. The thing is God's Word tells us that God is always active. God does not sleep. There is always more work or ministry to do for God and the believer. Until we get to heaven we are covered in impurities, sins, and things God wants to work on if we will let Him. Some Christians however, choose to stay asleep not knowing or caring about the awesome things that God is doing around them. And if they are sleeping spiritually God is not doing anything in them either. When God converts a sinner it is a genuine miracle. The angels rejoice in heaven (Luke 15:10), their sins are forgiven, they are adopted into the family of God, and they become regenerated. How can a believer not get excited about a brother or sister coming into the flock of God? If you do not get excited when folks accept Christ or when God brings a sinner to repentance it is a sign that you may be asleep spiritually.

Think also about how content a sleeping person is. All they want is to remain asleep a while longer. Is is discomforting to be awoken in the middle of the night. Just so, the sleeping Christian is content to remain in his backsliden state. They don't want to be reminded of their sin and therefore will fight to remain asleep. Only conviction will wake them. Satan loves to keep people from God and will keep believers sleeping as long as possible. Remember, Satan does not fill our hearts with hatred for God he fills our hearts with forgetfulness of God. When we allow ourselves to sleep we are allowing our selves to forget about an awesome God doing awesome things around us.

Another sign to look for to determine if you are sleeping or not, is your prayer life. It has been said by many pastors that a believer can gauge whether or not they are a good Christian by simply looking at their prayer life. If you don't pray at all you are an inactive Christian that is not engaging a holy God that wants to engage you. If you are not in prayer regularly you may be beginning to nod off and if you don't jar yourself awake you will slumber as God does amazing things around you.

To conclude here, I want to ask you a question. Should we allow others to stay asleep, or should we try to wake them. It can be argued that to allow a believer to sleep spiritually is to not be actively caring about their soul. Sure it is easier than trying to wake them, but Christians are rarely called to take the easy road.

Thanks for reading.